Hi everyone,

It’s been awhile since I’ve connected.  It’s now Fall and I’m working on my third novel.  Above is a possible cover idea.  I’m so excited and wanted to share it.  This is also a psychological trick so that I can get off my a . . . . hmmm you get it and get this book ready to be published.  I’m setting a goal for myself to have it ready by this Thanksgiving.  So that only gives me a few weeks.  After that it will be in my publishers hands.  So if all goes well it could be out by Christmas.  That’s my hope.  (no pun intended!)

So once I’m done I will post a quick synopsis to entice you.  I promise you will be.   Thanks for all your support and following.  Enjoy this Harvest time with your family and friends.  God bless and stay tuned.