An Introduction from Lisa

Welcome to my new website. I am so happy to invite you in. If you are already a fan, then you will enjoy some behind the scenes information and inspirations about my two current books. If you are not, then maybe after browsing through you might become one.

This is a place where you can find out a little more about myself, my books and any new projects I might be working on or involved with. I will post new things every week and am excited to connect with my readers in a more personal way. Feel free to explore and send me questions or comments. I love hearing from you.

This is also a place where I can thank you for supporting me and my writing and in some way, give back to my fans.

It is new journey and I hope you can come along for the ride.

Ask me a question

Use this form to ask me about my work. Also feel free to ask questions about writing in general or something you are working on.

  • Please enter your email address - its just for me an wont be share.
  • If you have a website let me know